Are you currently navigating the challenging process of layoffs within your organization? If so, you may be wondering how best to support departing colleagues, helping them to manage stress effectively and to optimize their opportunities in the job market moving forward. 

What is Outplacement? 

Outplacement is a comprehensive service that responsible employers utilize to assist departing employees in mitigating the negative effects of layoffs and supporting their further professional or personal development.

Outplacement serves not only as a gesture of appreciation for colleagues' past contributions but also as a strategy to enhance your employer brand. It's essential to remember that every departing employee represents your brand in the future.

How does Outplacement work?

We tailor Outplacement services to meet your specific needs and expectations. Depending on the scale of organizational changes, timeline, and financial considerations, it can involve a variety of individual or group activities. 

What can Outplacement consist of? 


Professional support during the planning and implementation of layoffs targeted at management or the internal HR team.

Dismissal Interviews

Training of effective dismissal interviews for managers or HR professionals, or their outsourcing.

Exit Interviews

External exit interviews for the purpose of collecting truly objective feedback and unbiased interpretation of outputs.

Individual Coaching

Individual coaching as support for working with the emotions accompanying the entire dismissal process. At the same time, it is the starting line for setting new professional goals.

CV reviews

Individual consultation with future applicants for a new job. We will help with the content, proofreading and graphics of a modern and effective CV.

Interview Preparation

Theoretical and practical preparation for upcoming interviews. Key support, especially for candidates who find themselves on the labor market after a long time and are still unfamiliar with new trends.

Want to know more?